Student government people

About Associated Students

About the Associated Students

At Butte College your interests are represented by an all student Executive Board. The Associated Student Executive Board is a group of elected student officers that represent all students and whose purpose is to make Butte College the best environment for students to learn, grow and fulfill their goals!

The A.S. manages budgets and records for the Student Representation and Student Activity Fee as well as the General Reserve. Becoming active within the A.S. is your real life opportunity to make a meaningful difference with your time at Butte College.

The Associated Students (A.S.) mission is to effectively represent student needs, keep students informed of student related issues, and promote cultural, social, and leadership opportunities for all students.

As a student you have a voice that matters at Butte College! You have the power to actively participate and influence decisions that affect student services, campus policies, funding, events and anything else that directly involves you as a student.

Butte College Associated Students (BCAS) Governing Documents

BCAS Constitution

BCAS Bylaws

BCAS Election Codes
